our team ......
We're farmers, but more than 'JUST' farmers. We're a family from different disciplines, stemmed from the awareness of local environmental issues. We share similar thoughts, and decide to reach out to the community through practicing permacultural agriculture, aiming to promote green awareness and low carbon lifestyles.
Alfred Tse

Founder of Mindfield, Alfred Tse titles himself a cultivator. To draw the community environmental awareness towards sustainable stewardship of land use and food safety, he engages with city-dwellers enlightening them the fun of farming through educational workshops, farm visits and urban / rooftop farm establishment. He flourished and escorted the success of 'Earth School' and 'Earth Cook', and a number of rooftop farms throughout Hong Kong.
Low carbon lifestyles is not simply a slogan and can realize through daily life. 'Be a locavore - Live a Low-Carbon Lifestyle' becomes his belief in how people can reduce carbon footprint without sacrificing their eagerness on delicious foods. Alfred gives birth his local organic farm, UrbaNature.
Alfred is graduate with MSc in Environmental Management from Imperial College and obtained his bachelor degree from the University of Waterloo in Environmental Science, Biology and Chemistry. Still, he is an active environmental consultant in various environmental disciplines.
Hermia Chung

Co-Founder of UrbaNature with years of experience as an Eco-Tour tutor at Produce Green Foundation, Hermia worked for farms in New Zealand and Australia and has achieved her Permaculture Design Certification in Australia. More precise, she is a Permacultural Designer.
Spending years in promoting upcycling and reuse of local organic resources, she's successfully integrated 'Waste-to-farm-to-table' and 'Cradle to Cradle' concepts into her agricultural career.